Is cancer commons legit?

Is cancer commons legit? Is cancer commons legit?, Is cancer commons free?, Are cancer clinical trials worth it?, How do people get cancer free?, When can I be cancer free?

Is cancer commons free?

We've been helping cancer patients for more than a decade—and our services are free, supported by generous donations/philanthropy.

Are cancer clinical trials worth it?

The trial may help researchers learn more about cancer and help people in the future. You might have access to a treatment that is under study that may not be available to people outside the trial. The research team will watch you closely, adding an extra layer of care to your health.

How do people get cancer free?

You may need to combine two or more treatments to go into remission. You could have surgery to remove a tumor, then take medicine or radiation to kill cancer cells left behind. Every cancer treatment has risks and side effects.

When can I be cancer free?

Are there certain timeframes that determine whether someone is “cancer-free?” For most cancers, it is reasonable to state that if it doesn't come back in five years, it is unlikely to return. Sadly, some cancers do come back after five years, but this is not common.

What is the regret rate for cancer treatment?

Overall, 13% of patients reported treatment-related regret at 5 years. This included 6% of patients undergoing surgery, 11% undergoing radiotherapy, and 7% undergoing active surveillance.

What happens if someone dies during a clinical trial?

IF it is clearly proven that the drug used in the trial is the reason for the death, then the sponsor, which is the pharmaceutical company is liable to pay compensation to the patient's immediate family dependent (like wife/husband/son).

Can clinical trials help stage 4 cancer?

If you have a cancer diagnosis and are weighing your treatment options, consider participating in a clinical trial. Although they may seem intimidating at first, clinical trials can be extremely beneficial — no matter what type or stage of cancer you have.

Can Stage 4 cancer be cured?

Stage 4 cancer isn't usually curable, but treatment may improve overall survival and quality of life. Treatment options and survival rates for stage 4 cancer greatly depend on the type of cancer, how well it responds to treatment, a person's overall health, and several other factors.

Can you be 100% cancer free?

Some people will be cancer free after treatment but may experience late and long term side effects of treatment. Others may be cancer free after treatment but have their cancer come back and need to be treated again. Still others will need to continue with cancer treatment to keep their cancer under control.

Can cancer be cured by 2025?

In 2025 most cancer treatments will be able to be performed on an outpatient basis. Minimally invasive treatments will reduce the need for long stays in hospi- tal and the need to provide care close to where patients live will be both desirable and possible.

What is the hardest cancer to cure?

Lung & Bronchus

Lung and bronchial cancer causes more deaths in the U.S. than any other type of cancer in both men and women. Although survival rates have increased over the years due to improved treatments, the outlook is still bleak. The five-year survival rate is only 22%.

Is cancer 100 percent curable?

Treatment. There are no cures for any kinds of cancer, but there are treatments that may cure you. Many people are treated for cancer, live out the rest of their life, and die of other causes. Many others are treated for cancer and still die from it, although treatment may give them more time: even years or decades.

Can you have cancer for 10 years and not know?

How long can you have cancer without knowing it? While some cancers grow very quickly, other cancers are very slow growing and can even go undetected for ten years or more. One example is certain types of thyroid cancer, which are very slow growing and may never spread beyond the thyroid gland.

Will I ever be normal after cancer?

Some cancer survivors find they can't or don't want to go back to how life was before their treatment. Others need time to recover from treatment before they return to their usual activities. I should feel well – on the outside, you may look healthy. On the inside you may still be recovering physically and emotionally.