How to tell difference between bruising and vascular occlusion?

How to tell difference between bruising and vascular occlusion? How to tell difference between bruising and vascular occlusion?, Is it a bruise or occlusion on my lip?, What does vascular occlusion look like immediately?, Can you massage out a vascular occlusion?, How fast does vascular occlusion occur?, How quickly does vascular occlusion happen after lip filler?

How to tell difference between bruising and vascular occlusion?

“A key difference is that bruising will have a normal capillary refill time, whereas a VO will have a delayed capillary refill,” Dr Jaymi advises as the best way to determine bruising from vascular occlusion. “Capillary refill time is a simple bedside measure to check peripheral tissue perfusion.

Is it a bruise or occlusion on my lip?

“A key difference is that bruising will have a normal capillary refill time, whereas a VO will have a delayed capillary refill,” Dr Jaymi advises as the best way to determine bruising from vascular occlusion. “Capillary refill time is a simple bedside measure to check peripheral tissue perfusion.

What does vascular occlusion look like immediately?

The immediate signs of an occlusion include intense pain in the area, dusky skin, bruising and skin blanching. Bruising is cause by blood leaking into the skin, dusky skin caused by an occlusion will not blanch. Bruising in the lip area can be managed by applying an arnica lip balm.

Can you massage out a vascular occlusion?

Symptoms of vascular occlusion include: Pain or discomfort at the site of the blockage. Swelling. Changes to your skin color; red (erythema) to blueish-purple or white spots (blanching).

How fast does vascular occlusion occur?

In some cases, it might be possible to resolve the occlusion with conservative measures, such as massage, tapping, and/or heat applied to the area. However, if conservative methods fail, hyaluronidase should be administered without delay when a hyaluronic acid dermal filler has been used. Immediately stop treatment.

How quickly does vascular occlusion happen after lip filler?

The presentation of vascular occlusion can be divided into three key stages; first you have the immediate symptoms which occur during the procedure, then the early signs that occur within 24 hours, and the late symptoms which develop after the first 24 hour window.

What does the start of a vascular occlusion look like?

There have been cases reported that occurred 12-24 hours after being injected but almost always it occurs immediately. If no treatment is initiated to improve the vascular flow, the skin will start to appear dusky, a bluish tint, with fine reticulations (lace like) to areas WELL BEYOND THE SITE OF INJECTION.

What are the first signs of vascular occlusion from filler?

Signs of vascular occlusion

Temporary blanching is non-threatening and will resolve on its own. Bruising may occur if an artery or blood vessel has become blocked due to filler injection. Bruising may range from a blue discoloration to a dusky purple-grey appearance.

How do you know if you have vascular occlusion lip filler?

Pain: A sudden, severe pain in the treated area is one of the most common signs of a vascular occlusion. The pain may be accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation. Swelling: A sudden, significant increase in swelling in the treated area is another common sign of a vascular occlusion.

What are the odds of vascular occlusion with lip fillers?

Vascular occlusion warning signs (2): pallor

There will be a grey patch on the lip that sometimes has zero capillary refill. This is the most obvious type of VO and not easily missed in lips; however, they can be less obvious and more easily missed in other parts of the face, or in patients with darker skin types.

What does vascular occlusion feel like?

Yes, the chances of vascular occlusion occurring are quite low. A December 2020 study in JAMA Dermatology found that the risk of vascular occlusion is “exceedingly low” — one in 6,410 syringes via needle and one in 40,882 via microcannula injector — when injected by a board certified dermatologist.

What are the stages of a vascular occlusion?

Vascular occlusion is typically mild, resulting in skin redness (erythema) or bruising around the injection site. However, if vascular occlusion is not treated quickly and properly, patients may experience skin death (necrosis) and even blindness, as facial fillers can migrate retrogressively to the orbital area.

How do you dissolve a vascular occlusion?

Stage 1 Blanching, occurring within seconds of the AVE, representing cessation of flow within the angiosome supplied by the occluded vessel. Stage 2 Livedo reticulares, a net-like bluish discolouration of the skin in the same distribution. This appears after minutes and lasts up to 36 hours. Stage 3 Pustular.

What is the first stage of vascular occlusion?

Vascular occlusions need to be treated immediately to avoid the worsening of symptoms and side-effects. If an occlusion has occurred as a result of a hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler and is identified in a timely manner, hyaluronidase can be injected in the affected region which helps to break down the filler.

Do you always get pain with a vascular occlusion?

Severe pain is sometimes experienced at the time of injection, but it is not always a given. The use of numbing cream or injected local anaesthetic may mask this symptom if used, so may be less reliable until it wears off some hours later.