How do I embed a GitHub code in WordPress?

How do I embed a GitHub code in WordPress? Learn how to embed GitHub code in WordPress easily with our step-by-step guide. Enhance your website and showcase your code snippets seamlessly.

How do I embed a GitHub code in WordPress?

As a specialized content creation and marketing expert, it is crucial to know how to embed GitHub code in WordPress. This integration allows you to display your code in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner while sharing your software projects or examples with your audience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of embedding GitHub code snippets into your WordPress website.

Step 1: Create a Gist

The first step is to create a Gist on GitHub. A Gist is simply a snippet or single file from a repository that can be easily shared. Gists are an ideal solution for embedding code into WordPress as they provide a clean and customizable interface.

To create a Gist, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your GitHub account or create a new one if you don't have an account already.
  2. Click on the "+" sign in the top-right corner of the GitHub homepage and select "New Gist".
  3. Enter a description for your Gist, and paste your code into the provided text area.
  4. Choose the programming language of your code from the available dropdown menu.
  5. Once you are satisfied with your Gist, click on "Create public gist" or "Create secret gist".

Step 2: Copy the Gist URL

After creating the Gist, you need to copy its URL. This URL will be used to embed the Gist into your WordPress website. To copy the Gist URL:

  1. Open the Gist on GitHub.
  2. Copy the URL from the address bar of your web browser.

Step 3: Install and Activate the "GitHub Gist Embed" Plugin

In order to embed the Gist into your WordPress website, you will need to install and activate the "GitHub Gist Embed" plugin. This plugin provides a simple and efficient way to embed GitHub Gists in your WordPress posts or pages. Here's how to install the plugin:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins" and click on "Add New".
  3. In the search bar, type "GitHub Gist Embed".
  4. Click on "Install Now" next to the plugin description.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on "Activate".

Step 4: Embed the Gist into your WordPress Post or Page

With the "GitHub Gist Embed" plugin now active, you can embed the Gist into your WordPress post or page using the Gist URL you copied earlier:

  1. Create a new post or edit an existing one in WordPress.
  2. Switch to the "Text" editor view.
  3. Paste the Gist URL directly into the editor where you want the Gist to appear.
  4. Switch back to the "Visual" editor view to see the embedded Gist.
  5. Finally, save or update the post/page.


Embedding GitHub code in WordPress allows you to showcase your programming skills, share code examples, or collaborate with other developers. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly integrate GitHub Gists into your WordPress website. Take advantage of this integration to enhance your website's content and engage your audience with visually appealing and interactive code snippets.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I embed a GitHub code in WordPress?

To embed a GitHub code in WordPress, you can use a codeblock plugin. First, install and activate a plugin like "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" or "CodeSyntaxBlock". Then, use the plugin's shortcode feature to wrap your GitHub code with the appropriate tags. Save your changes, and the GitHub code will be properly displayed on your WordPress page or post.

2. Is there a specific GitHub plugin for WordPress?

Yes, there are several GitHub-specific plugins available for WordPress. One popular option is the "GitHub Embed" plugin. This plugin allows you to easily embed GitHub gists, repositories, and user profiles in your WordPress content. Install and activate the plugin, and then you can use the provided shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks to embed GitHub content on your website.

3. Can I embed specific lines of code from a GitHub repository in WordPress?

Yes, you can embed specific lines of code from a GitHub repository in WordPress. GitHub provides an "Embed" feature that allows you to select specific lines of code and generate an embeddable snippet. Copy the generated snippet, switch to your WordPress editor, and paste the code. Make sure to use a codeblock plugin or a syntax highlighter plugin to ensure proper formatting and display of the code.

4. How can I customize the appearance of the embedded GitHub code in WordPress?

If you want to customize the appearance of the embedded GitHub code in WordPress, you can modify the CSS styles of the codeblock plugin you are using. Most codeblock plugins provide options to customize colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of the code snippet. Alternatively, you can write custom CSS code and add it to your WordPress theme or use a custom CSS plugin to override the default styles.

5. Are there any limitations to embedding GitHub code in WordPress?

There might be some limitations when embedding GitHub code in WordPress. One limitation is that the embedded code will not update automatically if the code in the GitHub repository changes. You will need to manually update the embedded code in WordPress if you want the changes to reflect. Additionally, if the GitHub repository is private or requires authentication, the embedded code might not be visible to users who don't have access to the repository.